Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Answers to Burger King case study questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Answers to Burger King questions - Case Study Example Franchising helps to increase the profitability of the business and eliminate unnecessary start up cost. The success of the fast food industry does not only depend upon the franchising method but also depends upon implementation of effective marketing strategies. To achieve global leadership in its industry a fast food restaurant needs to set a series of financial goal and strategic goals. Global leadership by a fast food restaurant can be attained if a company is adept at discovering the new market opportunities, establishing a strong presence in the international markets and securing a competitive advantage. Effective strategic planning is required for attaining profitability in the domestic and international markets. Firstly, the management of the company needs to clearly define its reasons for expanding its operation in the foreign market. A comparative analysis of the political social, cultural environment of different countries would be required for screening purposes. Critical Success Factors are strongly related to the mission and strategic goals of your business or project. ... e production process (How long the French fries must be fried?) 4) Hygiene standards must be maintained in all the branches of the fast food restaurant 5) Standardized menu must be available worldwide (Cao â€Å"Comparison of customers' perceptions of service quality between different management forms in fast food restaurants†). The other key success factor include proper distribution channels, innovative advertising strategies etc. It is a well accepted fact that fast food restaurants should have a sound understanding of the consumer behavior, tastes and preferences and fast food outlets and how it differs across various countries. Understanding the cultural differences between the countries will help the fast food restaurant to customize their menu as per the taste and preference of the local customers. For example McDonalds serves lamburgers in India because beef and pork burgers are not served for religious purposes. In USA and Canada people prefer to eat most of their mea ls outside their homes (Vivavegie â€Å"Fast food facts from the super size me web site†). It is observed that the consumer spending on fast food does not decrease even during recession due to the quick serving ability and its reduced price. The timing of the delivery of the food also plays a prominent role in the customer service of the fast food restaurants. Since obesity has become major health concern in the USA, UK and Canada, the fast food restaurants need to lay emphasis on nutritional requirement and calorie content of the fast food. Thus we can say that factors like 1) Taste of food 2) Hygiene 3) Service response time 4) Pricing of the product 5) Courtesy and behavior of the employees 6) Operating hours 7) Variety in menu 8) Nutritional requirement in the food 9) Amenity play an important

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